The game might looks simple and easy from the front view but is consisting of many tricky points which can elevate your enjoyment level to its peak and can also drag it to the sentiments of anxiety and anger. The game is extremely systematic and rhythmic and falls in the category of music games.
Some of the most difficult trick points are in the info-graphic and are also illustrated in the below article.
Game has different tricky points which came at different places of the track and can be 6-7% of the game for one time and totally made up-to nearly 35-40% of the game. In addition to trick points game is also enjoyable because of its vast customization options which are freely available in mod version of the game. The tricky points might be of reverse gravity, reverse game-play, double jump, high jump and many more.
Double Jumping Tricky Point:-
At some points in game you have to get pass through a long chain of obstacles a single jump is not enough for this so a ball like point emitting light is provided to you to help you make a double jump while you are in air.
High Jump Tricky Point:-
Obstacles in the game might be a little higher than normal range the routine jump might not be enough for the track. So at some points a semi-circle like portion is provided at point just prior to jump to accommodate your jump and make it go higher than usual. For this you don’t have to tap the screen as it is an automated procedure. In addition to this, to make your flow go broken same semi-circle with automation of normal jumping potential is provided.
Sliding in air:-
The game might take you to appoint where the chain of spikes at bottom is long and you don’t have any point to jump or any space to land at such points a circle like point is provided where you have to hold to make to icon slide through the vacuum and as soon you reach the point for landing you can remove the finger from the screen and the icon lands.
Reverse Gravity:-
Passing through some points can change your perspective as they change’s the gravity of the game. The icon which was running on the bottom will now run on the top.
Reverse Game-play:-
To make the game a little more difficult reverse game-play is introduced. Normally the track runs from left to right but in order to make it a little difficult the game runs from right to left for some time. This trick can also accommodate other tricks along with it-self like anti-gravity or space-ship and every other tricky point.
Arrow Game-play:-
In my opinion most difficult tricky point of the game is when you have to play the game in form of an arrow. The mechanism of the play is that every time you tap the screen the arrow changes its direction diagonally. Running from left to right the arrow first of all will be at 45 degrees and as soon as you tap the screen the arrow will run at 315 degrees and vice versa with every tap.
No Entry Points:-
At some points you will be given 2 or 3 different passages to get through but only one of them would be operational. It means only one of them has an exit and the others are blocked at the end. The entry point marked with (!) symbolizes that the passage is blocked so you should avoid it.
Ping-Pong Gaming:-
At some points the game put you in a situation in which a long line of spikes runs proportionally and there is no option for sliding through the vacuum. So manholes like points are provided alternatively which alters your gravity. The concept of this portion is that you have to change your gravity with every tap to get through this area. The icon might change its gravity at 75 degrees; it is because of the speed of the icon. The icon at some points is made to change its gravity instantly. It is named ping-pong gaming because it is played like a ping-pong game.
Vanishing Mode:-
Some of the spikes in the game are visible from some distance but as soon as you get close to it, it will vanish as there was nothing. So to avoid these spikes and continue your journey you should notice them at distant point and memorize their exact location. It might vanish from the track but it can still make you start the game from the beginning.
No Jump Points:-
To make the gaming more interesting and enjoyable some no-follow points are provided. Sole purpose of their presence is to take advantage of your flow. These points break your temperament and took advantage of your nervous flow. At some places jumping points are provided but if you tap on that point you’ll surely get into spikes or any other obstacle.
Small Size:-
To ensure you’re gaming skills the icon or any transformation you are playing with can be retarded into a very small icon. Along with the icon all objects on the track also get into small size. The timing of the jump and every other measurement changes from the very instant as you’re size has been degraded. So you should be extremely careful while playing in small mode.
Double Icon Tricky Point:-
Playing with single icon and passing through different obstacles might be a simple task so here is the difficult portion for you to elevate your experience. For some time your icon might be doubled both running proportionally, top and bottom. The simple method of passing this portion is to have an eye on both icons and playing like one icon. The taps should be extremely timed and with absolute precision and accuracy. Whereas in the form of space-ship or UFO the taps should be extremely moderate to accommodate both icons.
Moving Obstacles:-
At some points especially in level Deadlocked the obstacles are moving and the scene continues to change with every passing second. So to carry on with this kind of level might be and headache. Extreme precaution should be taken while carrying out this level or you’ll play the game from the very start.
A fabulous writing by the author. I liked it a lot so decided to appreciate the man behind the masterpiece. Keep on my man !!!!!!